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My Thoughts Upon Extending.

Extending from a semester to a year long program isn't some random thought that just recently occurred to me one day. This was a thought I had started contemplating a while ago, albeit too late in the semester for me to actually have prepared beforehand... but the past is a moot point.

There's a lot of wouldas, couldas, and shouldas... but ultimately this is a question of what I CAN do NOW at this very moment.

I've discussed this with my mom and at the very core of the argument, it really goes down to 2 things.
1) Money. But of course, it always comes down to money.
2) Graduating on time/ the commencement ceremony.

If I extend into the year... I will have to stay an additional semester at UC Berkeley. An additional semester means no Cal Grants... which means approximately $5000-$6000 out of pocket/ loans that I will have to take out... given that the tuition doesn't skyrocket and given that Pell Grants don't disappear. Furthermore, there is the cost of my being here in SK for another semester. And then the costs I will accrue during my time at Berkeley for extraneous costs.

If I extend into the year... My graduation plans go out of whack and I will have to extend for the additional fall semester, which changes the way that commencement will happen and so on... I wouldn't be able to enjoy the big celebrations in the spring... which is very important to my parents... and to me... in that it celebrates the past four years of my life.

I don't know honestly.

I'm someone who is both inspired and encouraged easily and discouraged and changed easily. I wish this were an easy decision but it's not.

Given all of these factors, the largest question remains... which choice will I regret more? Not extending... or extending.

I'm stubborn when I want to be... but I can also be wheedled down quite easily. My mom told me that this is my decision to make. And that my dad also feels this way. And while I'm grateful that they are giving me this freedom to make this decision, I also know where their heart lies and as much freedom as they are giving me, it's hard for me to make a decision that will go against their wishes.

It's frustrating that a decision like this can be so easy for others... but so incredibly frustrating and stress-inducing for me.

By the way, I should mention it is 5:30AM here... and I spent the last hour talking to my mom. Haha. And I am currently listening to Lee Soo Young's beautiful ballads.

Ranting done I suppose. Tired. Physically and mentally exhausted.


  1. Dear Young Mama Hang,

    I'm glad to know that you are having such an amazing time in Korea (enough to make you question your decision on whether or not to extend). I feel as though I should give you some of my thoughts on extending.

    I didn't extend during my semester abroad for various reasons. I believed that I wanted to complete my education minor, I worried about money, and i was concerned about what that meant for my job at the library. But ultimately, in the end, I think I made the right choice in coming back. Not in the way that you are probably thinking. I do not regret not extending my semester abroad in Hong Kong. The experience would never be the same. It would be a different set of friends and a different experience altogether. The extra semester abroad may or may not be as amazing as i would have wanted it to be. Plus, coming back, I was able to keep my job and now it could quite possibly pay for my entire grad school education.

    However, what I do regret is not applying to study abroad in another country. One semester in Hong Kong gave me a chance to travel most of Asia. But what I wished I had done instead of coming back was to study abroad in Europe. Studying abroad is the chance to explore the world, not just one part of it. If you choose to stay in Korea, you will be limited to just that country and the areas around it. You still have 3 months to travel Asia. Will it be worth your time and money to continue in Korea? Remember that you will have a new set of friends and the experience will never be the same as the one you’re having now.

    Money will always be an issue. If you truly want to consider studying abroad again, then seriously consider whether or not you want to stay in Korea or if you want to study abroad somewhere else. If you are considering another country, come back to Berkeley for the spring semester and walk in May. You can always study abroad in the summer following graduation or the fall after graduation (Many of my friends are doing that now even though all of them walked in the spring with me). If you do that, you can come back and work for a semester, saving up more money to help pay for your travels.

    I hope that this at least helps a little...nd hopefully it doesn’t confuse you more. lol.

    wishing you the very best,
    young laura


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