Somehow, when I was a bright and eager fresh-faced first year, the thought of life after graduation seemed so much more glamorous and stress-free than my reality currently is. Somewhat delusional and naive, I believed that a college degree meant that I would finally, finally, find my path. I would know exactly the type of career I wanted to have, the kind of life I wanted to lead, the passion and talent I secretly had burning inside... that I would know me. As if, all my troubles and searches for self would magically end with the deliverance of a paper document. As if, all my troubles and searches for self could be magically resolved in a 4-year span, away from my hometown. As if, my degree was magic. A little wiser and a lot more jaded, I've emerged from college as a newly minted firm believer in the idea that you, who you want to be and where you want to go, what you aspire to do and accomplish, your goals and dreams, are constantly being changed and discovered. There...
and thinks and thinks and thinks: "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." Until she believes she can and realizes she will.