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Showing posts from August, 2012

Update: In Paris

Hello everybody!!! It's been so long since my last update, my greatest apologies! Since my last update, after my trip to Las Vegas, I was able to visit friends in the Los Angeles region before returning home to Berkeley. After one last adventure in Berkeley, I packed all my belongings and spent 3 days in San Jose before I had to pack up there too, in order to leave for Paris. As a recipient of the Gilman Scholarship, one of the aspects of my follow-up activity is to maintain a blog while studying abroad. In a somewhat attempt to separate my personal home life with my study abroad life (if that makes much sense), I will be maintaining a separate blog during the duration of my study abroad period. I will periodically make updates to this blog; however, if you are interested in following along during my (mis)adventures in Paris, please follow or bookmark my Paris blog: Haha, pretty clever if I must say so myself. With much love and well w...

Just sitting at the airport...

It's ironic that I'm blogging right now, just a tad funny I suppose since I'm about to embark on another adventure without updating about my last adventures... In any case, I'm about to board a plane to Vegas. Thats right Baby, vivaaaaa las vegassss. My first but hopefully not my last trip here. As I'm getting used to traveling, I feel that I become less and less anxious... Packing doesn't take me as long and anxiety doesn't hurt me as much.... But then again im only talking about traveling domestically. No amount of domestic traveling can possible prepare me for traveling to Paris, Seoul, or Kathmandu. Speaking of anxiety, I took my French final today. A few weeks ago I decided to take the class pass no pass (meaning I had to have a 75% or greater for a pass, I believe) and although I doubted my decision, I sure didn't today. I've been studying for this exam several hours a day and yet I still could not come to grips with it and FEEL prepared. ...

Musing at a thousand thoughts per second.

My French professors weren't kidding when they said weeks 8 and 9 of the summer are the worse. Each day, we went through half if not an entire chapter. We will be finishing our last chapter on Monday! Crazy, it feels just like yesterday that I started learning French. I'm barely starting to absorb chapter 10... we are on chapter 24!!! >headshake< Here's to hoping that I fully absorb before I leave and that I don't lose much before I leave. Anyhow, I've been running on a rather full load of duties and rather a bordering-empty (read: low) level of sleep. Ah, the things one must sacrifice in order to be able to order a meal in Paris, haha. Can't leave too much of a thorough post, so I will be brief: -The coming week is the last week of French. Crazy how fast the summer went. -I'm moving out on the 10th! Same day as my French final. -I'm flying out on the 19th! So many things to do, not enough time to do it all. *** My first attempt at typin...